Sunday, January 30, 2011

Omg, guess what!!

I effectively (although probably temporarily) expelled the dementors from the File Room!! I meant to post an update like this on Friday because that's when it actually happened, but I got too busy/tired/lazy to do so. At any rate, by the end of Friday, they were GONE. And guess what shape my Patronus Charm was!! I'll give you a hint. It wasn't a five-legged platypus. It also wasn't a saber-toothed tiger. (Technically I just gave two hints.) I'm sure you can't guess it, because it's way off from both of those. I'll give you another hint. Or I'll just tell you.

It was Michael Jackson!!

I know, right?? Who knew that he could even BE a Patronus?? Technically they're supposed to be animals.. But then again, I'm still not 100% sure I know exactly what Michael Jackson was. (Does anyone really know?) At any rate, I'm really glad because he's currently keeping the dementors at bay at work. Hopefully on Monday Captain Eo will still be able to work his magic. I mean, hey, it worked that one time he danced/sang the creepy out of that one robot queen lady, right??

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