Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ch-ch-check It Out!

Someone awesome recently suggested to me that I should update my blog straight from my smart phone when funny things happen. I finally got around to downloading the app for it, so maybe I'll actually start doing just that! (In fact, that's exactly what I'm doing! Except this might not be a very funny post; it's more informative.) Of course, with my luck, now Funny will probably decide not to hang around me just to spite me. She's such a biznatch like that sometimes.

The good thing about this is that I can hopefully post more than once a week.. but the bad thing is that I can't draw on my phone. Maybe I'll go back and insert drawings later.. Or maybe I'll just leave the drawing posts for the weekend. Don't worry, hypothetical readers, either way, I'll figure something out!

I love you all for reading!

Actually, maybe not love. Just really, really like.. like the awkward feeling at the beginning of a relationship.

Ahhhh what the hell! Olive juice all!
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